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Detailing complete, low-poly started

I think this is a good point to wrap up the detailing of the model. I added some discrete creases on the chest and neck, fixed up the dress & corset meeting point at the front busk, tweaked the apron bib here and there. I could spend a hundred more hours on this, but, at least for now, this looks good to me.

I started the low-poly, but there is not much to write home about, next update I’ll have more.

Strap cross over and buckling.

Not much to say today, not a lot done, but I DID manage to fix the symmetry on the bib so that the straps cross over each-others, and also came up with a somewhat decent connection to the apron belt.

It feels a bit… heavy?

More creasing, seaming, and other details

I’ve added some surface detail, focusing mainly on the top, all the seams have been integrated properly, and I’ve added a bunch of creases, especially along “straight” seams, to give them more definition.

The chest area is still a bit too plain to my taste. I’ve given up (at least for now) having adjustment buckles on the apron belt and am just going for basic rivets, it uses less space on the straps, if anything. I also need to finish those trims on the bib shoulder straps, they just kinda “end” there at this point.

I should probably add something on the bottom part of the rings, but what…

Latex maid dress creasing

Not a ton of work on the latex maid dress, but some work nonetheless.

I started creasing up the corset and apron belt, slightly improved the shape of some of the pleating, made the bib trim a little slimmer.

Little by little, adding more details and refinements. I’m currently rebuilding the seams of the top to integrate them into the surface, so that I can crease it all up.

I still have a problem with the whole, “connecting the apron belt and the bib straps”. Not sure what I want to do there…

Come to think of it, it is all latex, I could add some buckles & straps potentially?

Back to the latex maid dress!

Sick, once again, for almost half of last week… And if You add the hay fever too… I’m sick of this.

I called the hospital to lower my prescription, hopefully tomorrow I can go pick up a lower dosage and that should stop my stomach from getting upset every few days. While it isn’t really excusing everything, this has definitely taken a toll on my productivity this year, and while I thought I could just handle it, the reality is that I cannot do this AND be productive in any capacity.


It’s not all bad news thankfully, I’ve finally returned to work on the latex maid dress. I’ve done some cleaning up on my files, and started “de-symmetrizing” elements that need to be, such as the corset lacing. I also made a somewhat decent bow for the apron (which was another sticking point of the design).

Still a few things I’m not 100% sure of:

  • The latex maid dress upper back still feels empty. I thought several times about adding a diamond cutout, but that will complicate cross body compatibility.
  • Seam layout still feels too basic, but outlining the chest will only make it harder to open the cleavage later.
  • Need to figure out how I’m going to connect the shoulder straps to the apron belt.
  • Some kind of headband/headdress, and I don’t know what style would work and look unique enough from all the others I’ve made already (I’d rather not reuse an existing one).

As always, any suggestion/comment is greatly appreciated.


The EIG-2-B Stunprod is out!

Stunprod product picture

The “EIG-2-B  Elektroimpulsgerat” is a revision of the original AION stunprod specifications intended to replace the original design deployed on S-23 “Sierpinski”.

Our goal was to move from a single use design, to a reliable, self-recharging system focused on officer protection and enforcing compliance.

It features a large protective guard around a rubberized handle adorned with electrified contact strips to discourage any attacker from attempting to wrestle the EIG-2-B out of your hands.

The classic Bakelite body is sandwiched around a heavy gauge steel sheet core to enhance the rigidity and striking capability of the unit.

All the markings are in compliance with AION safety guidelines.

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store, or on the Second Life Marketplace. Enjoy ^^

Nasty stunprod bruises…

I think I’ve got something good going on with those nasty stunprod bruises… I’ve done my best to keep them relatively simple and stylized…

They kind of look like bug bites or a weird rash or a star map sometimes…

That’s what my references looked like and so, that’s what I went for. It looks completely overkill with the maximum 8 marks per body part, but it is there as a supported maximum… not as an invitation to fill it entirely.

This might even take a while given that the prod typically can only strike about 3 to 5 times before recharge kicks in.

I wonder if those pictures will be okay for Patreon.

Inching towards the finish line!

I had a very productive night on the stun prod!

I managed to wrap up all the animations that I needed to be done for the stun prod, the code to drive them, the holster system and the Doodle & Strikes integration.

There is now 3 striking heights, 4 idle stances (those two “over the shoulder” ones are just so precious) and one medium height “threaten” animation (when you aren’t aiming at anyone) that does a little wrist flick right as the electrodes begin sparking.

What is left to do: A HUD texture, A multi-crop HUD update for this one (at this point that’s like 3 tools that would use it, isn’t that a bit much?) and one very important texture set: the electrical bruise marks for the Doodle & Strikes system. Thankfully, a friend has given me… helpful references for this :3

Sidenote, would there be some interest for a Doodle & Strikes version that support [eL] Normal Tit Kit & [eL] Big Tit Kit?

Very little to show today

I spent a lot of time on “private” projects this week, but I’ve managed to remodel, fit & weight the Micro Bikini top to the [eL] Big Tit Kit for Avatar 2.0 (which I use occasionally). The fabric is still the same size as the other variants which makes it hilariously small on such large breasts.

I kind of like it as is, despite that.

Unless I’ve completely messed up something It looks smooth enough to upload.

The VRChat release of the KDC Lattice Cage is out!

I was hoping to be done with the VRChat version of the KDC Lattice Cage, literally yesterday but, between manuals, license, translations, redoing the textures once more and a good 5 or 6 attempts at an improved re-capture logic… I literally just finished now.

Feature wise it is really stripped down compared to the one I have in SL, but I am proud of what I have achieved so far: It has sounds, animations, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and I believe the respawn/rejoin “re-capture” function is something I have not seen on VRChat yet. Maybe there is a reason (like it being against the Terms of Service? I doubt it) or maybe there isn’t.

This is a bit more niche than usual obviously since you kinda have to build it into a world, (which is not a small task). But I hope that at least some people will like it.

I’ve also published a demo world where you can see it in action!

As usual for VRChat assets, head over to if interested.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025