Archive for the ‘3D Stuffs’ Category
Shock collar update almost ready to release
I think I’m pretty much done with the shock collar update, if the function is enabled you will get a fairly informative addition to the frequency menu that allows to reload & clear the shocker configuration. It also contains a brief summary of the intensity/duration settings (and links to the two supported services obviously).
The manual is already included in the TouchBound clickable zone menus so I did not feel the need to also have it here. The configuration options will only be available to the collar wearer, that goes without saying, but if another user is configuring the collar frequency, they will see the current settings. All this will be locked out when the collar is locked, as before.
I’ve also added a mandatory cooldown that forces a pause equal to the duration of the last shock, just as a spam/safety. It only affects the RL hardware shocker function, the normal shock function remains unchanged.
Because when I created the shock collar I only added a configurable duration, I adding configurable boundaries for both shock intensity and length. This way you can set a fixed duration/intensity, regardless of the shock length, or you can configure it to adjust strength and/or shock duration according to the shock length supplied by the remote.
Lastly, I’ve been playing with a really rough idea for a “simple” new collar/cuff set. I believe that it has some potential… But I have other things I should focus on.
Productive Monday?
I’ve bulked up the collar and built a double side-closure which i think looks good enough (that was last week tho). I also worked on the gloves for the outfit, I’ve put the WIP pictures in black because in white you couldn’t see anything. It isn’t that much better really…
Today I did some reasonable progress on the “shocker service” code for the coming shock collar update. Mostly configuration card parsing and all the error handling it requires. Tedious stuff.
Cell Block D-5 update
I’ve just finished updating Cell Block D-5 both on Second Life and VRChat. One of the narrow cells has been transformed into a hybrid, furnished variant. (Because of how small it is, collisions are disabled on the furnitures). It brings a bit more variety as I don’t think the cell block really needed 3 identical narrow cells.
- On the VRChat version I’ve also improved the quality of the lighting with less noise in the dark cells.
- On the Second Life version I’ve added an ambient piano track that plays once (it restarts sometimes, not sure why, but it shouldn’t be too upsetting) when you arrive at the location.
Skin suit backside
The back of the skin suit doesn’t look half bad like that. Am I going overkill on the strapwork again? Does this thing really need to have so many? Should it even be leather at all?
Anyway, this is what I’ve got to show for today’s update.
Skin Suit project started.
I started working on a new project tentatively called the “Skin Suit” (if you know, you know). Most of the progress was done today, the collar part is still a bit in flux, with the way it is right now I’m gonna have to settle for a side-buckle of some kind. Pretty happy with the bra, and that was the part that bothered me the most about this project.
The crotch strap will probably have an adjustment point in the upper middle of the back (least scary spot for weightpainting).
Should this one be functionally a collar? At this point in time it sounds doable. But we’ll see what kind of trouble I end up getting myself into.
I’m curious how many platforms will flag the images as adult content and which will allows it to slide? Technically… It’s all covered up.
Finishing touches on the Vergilius set
I’ve almost finished the Vergilius elbow and thigh cuffs! Yesterday was a bit of a weird day, I decided to make a spreadsheet with all the animations currently in the system along with a full limb locking allocation table (which also outputs the required bit fields… kind of handy), but I couldn’t concentrate and kept making mistakes or duplicating entries.
I eventually got it, and it allowed me to spot a few configuration errors in some of the bondage pieces that I’m going to fix eventually.
That day ended with a massive indigestion ^_^.
Today I finished the ORM map and LOD models for the thigh cuffs and am in the process of putting everything together in-world. It is all looking great and unless a problem comes up, I should be ready for release in a couple days.
Quick thigh cuff low-poly update
My internet connection was down most of Monday, that gave me plenty of distraction-free time during the evening to get the thigh cuff low-poly model made. I’ve mostly worked on the UV Map today, there is still some left, but it is in a very good state.
Only two pictures for today before I forget posting them. I managed to bring the polygon count very close to the elbow cuffs for these, it’s still a bit high, but good enough.
Still need to insert my logo somewhere…
Started on the Vergilius thigh cuffs.
I started working on the Vergilius thigh cuffs, and I don’t like them.
I need 3 points on them to be on-part with the two existing sets: inner chain point, outer chain point, and the lock point. Ideally, I’d like to avoid punching holes all around them, but so far, that’s all that appears to work with this style… I also had to pull the inner point more on the front because it did not look right. I also had to rebuild it like, twice because I was using the wrong set of legs… twice?
I’m not sure what I need to change… maybe a backing piece? Despite the fact that it would be the only part of the set with a backing…
Vergilius elbow cuffs update
I’ve picked back up the Vergilius elbow cuffs and finished the low-poly, unwrapping and the LOD models. Other than scripting, they are as good as done.
I think I’m going to hold off a little bit on releasing these because the Halloween release is currently using the “new product” spot at the KDC Main Store. So I guess I’m going to start working on the thigh straps now.
Thing are a bit slow.
I’ve been dealing with some computer issues (home server & laptop failing me one after the other). But on the bright side, my desktop finally managed to complete an update it was failing for the past year and a half 😅.
Witch Huntress Hat low-poly and in-world test!
I managed to finish the low-poly and unwrapping today so I had to give it a quick in-world test!
The hat material isn’t that interesting yet, but even at this stage, it really pops once you add the emission map. I’m probably going to spend a few days refining the material and getting my final texture exports the way I want them. Felt or leather… undecided for now.
Someone mentioned that it reminded them of Bloodborne, I never played this game ^_^.