Archive for the ‘3D Stuffs’ Category

Started on the Vergilius thigh cuffs.

I started working on the Vergilius thigh cuffs, and I don’t like them.

I need 3 points on them to be on-part with the two existing sets: inner chain point, outer chain point, and the lock point. Ideally, I’d like to avoid punching holes all around them, but so far, that’s all that appears to work with this style… I also had to pull the inner point more on the front because it did not look right. I also had to rebuild it like, twice because I was using the wrong set of legs… twice?

I’m not sure what I need to change… maybe a backing piece? Despite the fact that it would be the only part of the set with a backing…

Vergilius elbow cuffs update

I’ve picked back up the Vergilius elbow cuffs and finished the low-poly, unwrapping and the LOD models. Other than scripting, they are as good as done.

I think I’m going to hold off a little bit on releasing these because the Halloween release is currently using the “new product” spot at the KDC Main Store. So I guess I’m going to start working on the thigh straps now.

Thing are a bit slow.

I’ve been dealing with some computer issues (home server & laptop failing me one after the other). But on the bright side, my desktop finally managed to complete an update it was failing for the past year and a half 😅.

Witch Huntress Hat low-poly and in-world test!

I managed to finish the low-poly and unwrapping today so I had to give it a quick in-world test!

The hat material isn’t that interesting yet, but even at this stage, it really pops once you add the emission map. I’m probably going to spend a few days refining the material and getting my final texture exports the way I want them. Felt or leather… undecided for now.

Someone mentioned that it reminded them of Bloodborne, I never played this game ^_^.

Witch Huntress Hat started!

I finally decided on something to do for Halloween, the “Witch Huntress Hat”.

This project idea comes from a very dear friend who mentioned the large brimmed hat with a slit above one eye that a manga character wears (Akabane Kuroudo from GetBackers), and that maybe I could do something cool with that. I was initially unconvinced, until the idea of a glowing magical seal drawn on the surface of the brim popped into my head.

In my head, this would be a piece of armor meant to protect the wearer against the supernatural creatures they fight… something like that. I would have used a pentagram but the space in the center of it would have been too small to accommodate that part of the hat. I’ve also hemmed the edges of the cut, to imply that the slit comes from battle damage and has been repaired.

Did not decide yet how distressed the surface should be, or whether the seal should be etched into the felt, but I also don’t really have a ton of time left to complete this project so I’m already working on the low-polygon version. Gotta keep this moving fast!

Table and chairs

Some code improvement on the VRC map: I’m trying to wrap it up feature-wise with a basic lock system and respawn-cheat prevention. Once I’m done with that, I think I’ll consider this version more or less complete.

I’ve been struggling to come up with a simple metal table & chair design that would fit the theme, yet clearly look more like office/police station furniture: You can see what I came up with, both the VR and SL variant.

The table I more or less the way I want it (could maybe use some more surface details). The chairs? Not so much. I’m trying to get them to look like they are part of the same set as the table but it looks… goofy.

These are background props, I really shouldn’t overthink it, and yet…

In preparation for Halloween

I got some of the low poly modeling work done on the Vergilius elbow cuffs, not much happening on this project other than having to do some weird forced-triangulation in some spots that are shading a bit strangely (since this set doesn’t use normal maps on the rubber parts). I might have to temporarily put this project on ice soon since October is almost upon us, and I always use the first two weeks of October on the limited edition Halloween project.

Speaking of Halloween… I still have no idea of what to do this year, I’m open to any suggestion so long as it is original/unusual (no pumpkins or bats… please), and something I can wrap up in two weeks.

Vergilius elbow cuffs and other things

I started making the Vergilius elbow cuffs. The ring spacing is much larger than on the collar and cuffs but I don’t think I can insert an extra ring in without getting the opposite problem (too tight).

I also attempted to make a modempunk-ish keypad to use as a “secure” elevator call button on the cell block floor in dead realm but it doesn’t really “vibe” with me so far. It has the chunky keyboard keys I was picturing in my mind but the rest lacks style. Maybe I need to come up with something a bit more futuristic.

I’ve pushed 2-3 updates to the VRChat cell block: specular lightmaps (something it really lacked compared to the SL version), toned down lighting and emission (which felt a little too bright), and I also fixed some normal mapping issues. I want to make a few more additions before calling it good enough: a table and a couple chairs to act as a guard post, spawn control, and a way for the instance owner to secure the doors shut.

I was sick yesterday and slept all afternoon, (you can imagine what it did to my sleep cycle) motivation is pretty low.

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

This update brings the padded cells & the pipework additions that I did for Second Life, to the Prison Cell Block D-5 in VRChat. Enjoy~

Cell Block D-5… in Second Life?

Someone complained about Cell Block D-5 being a VRChat-only location, so I took it as a bit of an exercise to convert all the prison cell assets to PBR materials, this is the result.

It will be publicly accessible from the KDC Store elevator once I’m done with it. It is a bit of an experiment, and will be a stand-in, until I can get the “full” underground prison project to completion.

I’ve started working on a potential lock & key add-on: A key chain that can be linked to them, allowing public locks and keys to be picked up and dropped. I know 3rd party creators have already come up with creative solutions for key/lock access control, but I like this idea, and I believe it will add to the system as a whole.

Because of this I’m also reworking some parts of the lock & key system to be able to “reserve” a lock, or a key to a specific user for example.

Prison Cell Block D-5 update!

Prison Cell Block D-5
I’ve finally updated the Prison Cell Block D-5!

Nothing major, but there are some improvements and additions:

  • The world has (finally) been updated to Unity 2022.3.22f1.
  • Fixed the reflection probe problem at the end of the corridor.
  • Fixed post processing & color grading.
  • Rebuilt all the light probe groups I accidentally broke 2 years ago.
  • The cell facing isolation has been upgraded to a secure observation cell with polycarbonate panels.
  • All the cells have been renumbered, the lettering has been softened to blend in better.
  • Door logic has been completely rewritten, rookie mistakes have been fixed, and everything now responds much faster (from 4 seconds to ~1 second for clients).
  • Colliders and seats are finally disabled by default.
  • An ambient droning sound fills the silence.
  • Corrected the plumbing used by low and high security cells.
    Added thin mattresses to the small cells for (slightly) improved living conditions.

Enjoy ^_^
Click here to visit this world on VRChat.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

November 2024