Archive for the ‘Random thoughts’ Category

In preparation for Halloween

I got some of the low poly modeling work done on the Vergilius elbow cuffs, not much happening on this project other than having to do some weird forced-triangulation in some spots that are shading a bit strangely (since this set doesn’t use normal maps on the rubber parts). I might have to temporarily put this project on ice soon since October is almost upon us, and I always use the first two weeks of October on the limited edition Halloween project.

Speaking of Halloween… I still have no idea of what to do this year, I’m open to any suggestion so long as it is original/unusual (no pumpkins or bats… please), and something I can wrap up in two weeks.

Little status update

I’m almost done cleaning up the VRC Stunprod.

I still need to take some pictures for it, to write a proper store description, and obviously, to decide of a price.

It is getting hot here, but isn’t too bad yet.

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays - Eerie winter landscape.

2023 is almost over and as usual, I’m late on all my projects… Oh well, what else is new?

I will be away tomorrow to spend a couple of days with my family. I already want to return to all my friends as quickly as possible, and I’m not even gone yet.

See you soon and happy holidays everyone.

Rest in peace

Rest in peaceI wish I had been more present for You.
By the time it was too late there was no way to really exchange any last words, or wrap up any loose ends.
But at the same time, I don’t know if you can just “conclude” a relationship with someone who pretty much raised you alongside of your parents, just like that, with a few good words and kind gestures.
I’m also not sure if You’d have cared to listen anyway.
I feel awful because part of me is relieved that this is all over: fewer obligations, less guilt, less pain of seeing you slowly but surely going away. I also feel awful because I do not feel as sad as I thought I should be.
Furthermore, I know that I’ve seen much worse departures before, but this is fresh, raw and new. I know this, and I know it will take time.
I don’t believe in god, but I know you did, I guess you’re all reunited together now, we tried to accommodate with your (somewhat) conflicting desires on how to handle your funerals, I hope we made the right choice, but it also feels like we leaned on what was the most “convenient” option.
This clumsy goodbye will never reach you, and I’m writing it more for myself and who care to join my little pity party than anything else.

The past week has been both easy, and difficult mentally…

I’ve been extremely restless, and haven’t really done anything of value, I feel “fine” 99% of the time, but I am having a really hard time focusing on creative work.

It is already mid-December and things are only going to get busier from this point, but I’ll do my best to show some progress on current projects.

So long Halloween

I umm… forgot to take everything down yesterday hehehe 🙂

Working on a second pass for the iron grip gag.

I’ve remade all the iron grip gag mouth poses properly, improved even (IMHO).

Next step is to check with other heads and make 1 or 2 alternate sets if needed.

Gag code feature creep, and more things.

I started the metal gag code, and I am working on some … kind of extendable approach, how can I explain this…

I’m effectively making the code that handles the different gag variants modular, which should make it possible to just “add” new ones later, or even create custom ones, I’m not entirely sure why I am doing this, other than reducing how much “snowflake code” having 4 different gags in one is creating.

This is also an opportunity to potentially code a bit better, go over old ways of doing things, using new functions, that sort of stuff. I thought I could wrap this up before the weekend, but that’s a little too optimistic.

Twitter appears to want a fairly large set of rights on any picture uploaded on their service, and I’m not sure that I want to give them those rights, so I’m considering adding some sort of watermarking, or maybe stop sending pictures to twitter entirely when posting updates. We’ll see.

The previous week has been a bit of a mess…

I haven’t gotten a lot done, and my sleep cycle has been an absolute mess.

I did do some code to expand the miniATM features with a completely optional little “debt” system. It is almost complete, but I still have to iron out a few issues.

As you might have seen in the group notices, I also touched up the MixMaster a little, just not enough to roll out a proper feature update yet.

Sorry for the silence, and a brief report.

As you all probably noticed, I took a little break from work for the past few weeks. I’d like to think that it did me some good.

I’m preparing a few updates for existing products, I don’t want to go too much into details, but a handful of items need code updates to either finally make use of new SL features, correct issues, and/or improve existing behaviors.

The lattice cage for example is due for a small update to optimize its construction a little with an improved door mesh, fix some RLV-related problems, but also add a couple of owner features to integrate them better in existing playspaces.

It hasn’t gone amazingly well so far, I appear to have some sleep/concentration issues that are making these modifications harder than they should be. I will eventually get over it, as I always do. But well this is my little explanation, ie: “I have not left SL guys.”


Completely unrelated topic, I’m told gachapons (gachas) in SecondLife are going the way of the dodos and that is great news as far as I am concerned. I assume Linden Lab was held at proverbial gunpoint for that to happen. It is unfortunate that this staple of Japanese culture has to be completely banned, but it was completely out of control.

What is going on lately?

I have been a bit quiet lately, there were a lot of things I had to do IRL.

I visited my family for a few days on easter and it took a day to “recover” from it, it was a good time but very exhausting.

I’ve been trying to bring back my kanji lessons schedule under control (spaced repetition can get pretty wild if you stop following it for a few days) and that means that I’ve spent a lot of days essentially studying most of the day.

And after that there was a lot of long long overdue spring cleaning, trying to make my tiny apartment a liveable space again. To be honest, this is something I should not have allowed to accumulate, but you never really pay attention to it until after the facts. At least I did not wait until summer for this.

With my place now in a somewhat liveable state, I’ve been experimenting with VR a little. Room-scale is certainly a challenge when you live in a place that isn’t much bigger than some people’s walk-in closet. I’m not leaving SL don’t worry, this is mostly an opportunity to spend less time in a chair and be a little more “active”.

I did put down some work for KDC still. Since the change to the keyless padlock, I wanted to rewrite the fingerprint padlock, to essentially provide the same features it does currently, but better and clearer. Those that hang out in the KDC Mailing List Group probably saw me talk about it.

The real actual “change” is the addition of a built-in way to erase a fingerprint padlock without having to reset the script. People already would reset them all the time, why not spare them the trouble. Everything else is more focused on trying to make the way they lock and unlock as transparent as possible.

The other thing I want to do with it is fixing some of the problems the original texture had. I was under time constraints back then and did not take the time to really finish it up the way I should have.

And maybe make a couple more colors, so long as it remains visually different from the keyless model.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

October 2024