Low polygon thigh cuffs done!

This was done over the weekend and this monday. There was a bit too much distraction tho (motherboard replacement for instance), but the thigh cuffs are ready for texture baking 🙂

Also second and last picture are before and after normal direction editing.

HighPoly thigh cuffs done.

I replaced the small ring straps by long ones.

Muuuch better.

Everything is also stitched and textured properly.

Suspension anchor update

Long story short, it didn’t switch mode properly in some regions due to script execution speed. I made the delay a little more generous.

I also corrected the permissions on the Multi anchor plate (properly this time?)

I can’t really trigger an update for these because it isn’t technically a “product” but you should receive them with any new product. Or you can grab the updated bundle pack at the Main Store.

First day on the vermilion thigh cuffs

My stomach is still upset but if I can think properly there is no reason I can’t work right?

I’m going for narrow straps, like I’ve used on the collar earlier, with an off centered locking point and “anatomic shape”.

It is based on the SL classic avatar but I’ve done a few upload tests and rounded off a few areas to make it more generic and suitable for other bodies.

I’m holding off doing the stitching proper because i don’t really like how “weak” the d-ring support is.

I want to try to do something different there before I commit to this.

Sick :(

So I don’t know what exactly happened, It is more than likely related to a certain “food binge” I indulged in. Long story short, sunday was an absolute hell.

I do feel a lot better today but it doesn’t seem over yet.

I was supposed to start working on the last vermilion piece today but that’s gonna have to wait.

Vermilion wrist cuffs hotfix

Version 3 of the vermilion wrist cuffs is on the updater right now.
It fixes a missing animation error in the left wrist cuff.

Headcage update

I discovered yesterday that I accidentally shipped the headcage with the old updater code, that’s what I get for not testing everything.

I bumped the headcage to version 2. The new one you’ll receive should be fixed.

The KDC Vermilion collar is out!

The most important part of the Vermilion set is now available!

Same design as the matching cuffs, but a bit narrower (it is a collar after all), it comes in all the standard KDC colors and also in the “Vermilion” dark red.

As usual, you can grab them from the KDC Main Store or from the SecondLife Marketplace.

Small update for the Vermilion ankle and elbow cuffs.

I made a small mistake when I released the Vermilion ankle and elbow cuffs and the metal rings where mislabeled, which caused the color configuration to skip them.

The latest update for those corrects this behavior.

Inworld test!

I’ve worked overnight, got all the textures done (twice and fixed the issues the first batch had) and uploaded a test model.

I’ve done some preliminary scripting… debating whether the side rings should be functional or cosmetic… I kinda like them for decoration really.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025