Archive for the ‘products’ Category

Fingerprint padlock re-release!

So yeah, it is still the Fingerprint Padlock, but I figured that given that I’ve updated its appearance, code, and product shots, I could consider this a “re-release”? The new reader is just better, and while it is pretty niche now with the keyless lock doing most of what you’d want, it is still an option, if you want one.

It’s also in 4 colors now, that’s something right? 😛

As usual, it is available from the Second Life Marketplace and the KDC Main Store (10%off!).

Keyless padlock “official” release!

As promised, the keyless padlock gets an official release.

So yeah… A few more colors for your lock collection!

As usual, you can find them at the KDC Main Store, and on the Second Life Marketplace, or on Patreon if you’re one of my supporters 😛

Default padlocks change on new purchases.

I’ve replaced the default padlocks that are normally delivered with new purchases with keyless padlocks. As I explained before, this is part of an attempt to streamline the “new user experience” with the TouchBound system.

I still have a ton of product pictures that mention the fingerprint padlock and I’ll do my best to update those over time, I doubt that this will create much confusion. We shall see.

I’ll make the keyless padlocks available for sale individually once I get around making a proper product picture for them.

Another thing I really, really, really need to do is to rewrite (again) the fingerprint padlock to be much more user-friendly.


KDC Prison Cell post-release update!

Hello everyone, we all knew this would happen. I’ve just released a much-needed update to the KDC Prison Cell that adds a few features and addresses a number of issues:

  • The “KDC Experiment” experience toggle has been removed. It uses auto-detection now.
  • The “base” RLV toggle flag has been removed. It is simply always on if you use an RLV Relay.
  • Some viewer/relay combinations wouldn’t allow the RLV force-teleport feature to function, fixed.
  • You could still use the “Home” button when under RLV restrictions, this is also fixed.
  • The door latch now derives its own scale (for animations) from the door itself.
  • The lock infobox menu now features a prisoner list.
  • I clarified some of the warnings & errors, related to the KDC Experiment and furnitures.
  • I also added a new optional config flag to restrict the camera or force mouselook.

As usual, the update is available through the auto-updater.

(And yes, you can swap the cell/furniture content instead of replacing them completely)

Wear the update box, teleport to the KDC Main Store, and you should receive your freshly updated prison cell package in a folder. Enjoy~

The KDC Prison Cell is out!

KDC Prison cell product shot

Look everyone! the KDC prison cell is out!

The expansion of the KDC facilities led to the acquisition of the remains of a federal correctional facility that had ended up decommissioned before it had a chance to pay itself back. One of our interns suggested that we could probably refurbish the brand new containment units as “private prison cells you can install at home”.

I talked about this so much since November that frankly, I’m not sure what more I could say about it. The documentation page is quite “meaty”, have a look if you want a detailed breakdown of everything I’ve managed to cram into this release ^_^. I hope it was worth it, this has been my longest project so far.

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store, (10% off! And a huge demo at the back of the store!) or from the SecondLife Marketplace.


New version of the Multi-Anchor plate.

The free Multi-Anchor plate has been updated!

If you are using it, or using the script in a personal build, you can swap the old script with the new one (KDC Multi anchor plate v2), no other change needed.

I’m currently updating all the marketplace entries.

Multi-Anchor plate changes :

  • Less clicking! You can click on a different anchor (same set) without having to de-select the previous one first.
  • A small bug caused the multi-anchor listener to remain open for a few seconds after use, potentially interfering with other objects.

Isolation Headphones update!

I’ve just pushed a new update for the KDC Isolation Headphones!

Beside a bunch of small fixes (that I can’t really remember), the main addition is a new configuration flag card:

  • cfg_LockableIMButton

It allows to adjust the default behavior of the IM toggle button to prevent people from toggling it once the headphones are locked. This is a fairly “niche” feature, but it might make the headphones more practical to use for some.

As usual, you should receive a notification from the auto-updater shortly.

I’ve also updated the Instruction Manual, so you can get more details about this new feature there.

TouchBound wrist cuffs hotfix!

This one is on me again, I made a mistake during last round of update and forgot to package two left wrist cuff animations (left cuff to collar left/right ring).

So unfortunately, it is update time again, wrist cuff hotfix time:

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


TouchBound 2020 system update – part 5 (the end?)

Elbow cuffs and mittens! And this should be the END!

(The AI mittens will follow but I need more prep time for those)

Products updated

TouchBound 2020 system update – part 4

Ankle and Thigh cuff update! Thigh->ankle can now force a kneel, just like belt->ankle can.


Products updated

Sorry everyone again for those big update chunks…


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025