Archive for the ‘pet projects’ Category

More thong weightpainting

I’ve done more thong weightpainting for the past two days…

I thought I was more or less done with the thong but it turns out that I forgot the mapping to account for the belly slider.

If that wasn’t enough, I did not properly test the deformations when both legs are bent (sitting) and it really really looks bad… I am not sure how I’m going to fix it because it looks like that due to the limit of 4 weights per vertex, and to fix this I have to add left and right leg weight on the centerline, which is already affected by the pelvis, torso, and the PELVIS deform bone: That’s 5 weight groups with the legs.

I MIGHT be able to get rid of most of the vertices on that center line but not all of them because the little piece of fabric is triangular.

I haven’t transferred the side ties to the “strap” version yet, but that’s not really an issue, once it all works with the thong, it will work for the “strap” too.

Panty strap-thing re-done!

I didn’t weight paint the bra yet, I figured I’d finish the “panty strap-thing” first, and it didn’t take that much time all things considered (yesterday was the “big cleanup” so this is mostly today’s work).

It’s pretty high up now compared to what I originally wanted but it avoids the problem area and… I think it still works?

Brief update on the bikini rebuild

Not much to say, the weird cuts on some of the straps are intentional, to follow the body geometry. The top is almost done & ready to weightpaint.

Side-ties, and more weightpainting.

The side-ties turned out to be really annoying to weight-paint properly but I eventually got them to work. I’ve also improved the weighting situation with the crotch. the centerline is still a bit problematic but it shouldn’t be too visible.

I also need to remember that the side ties should be their own face, so they can be hidden, for variety, but also to reduce clipping risks on outfits.

Some adjustment & weight painting

I’ve done some progress on the weight painting, but also ended up adjusting the thing strap geometry to match the topology of the legs and reduce the likelihood of having it clip through the body.

The last picture was a quick in-world test with really bad weighting, just to check that the precision issue I had earlier is gone.

Halloween project progress!

Halloween project progress! I’ve spent the better part of yesterday redoing the tape in multiple widths before deciding to go with a simple 1cm wide reference, basically the same width as electrical tape, any other size ended up so big that I couldn’t make it look good. Might even be a bit realistic given that you would “have” to pass the whole roll behind the collar and the neck.

I also did further tweaking on the det-cord, shock tube & blasting cap, I adjusted the igniter to match my reference diagrams and did some really simple temporary textures for the cord itself.

New Halloween project on the way!

It is October! Spooktober! And even Locktober for some, which means only one thing: Time for a Halloween project!

Time to give my regular schedule a little break and to work on something fitting for the season (and the only event of the year that I actually dare to make something for).

This year’s project is a little weirder and gruesome than my past Halloween ones…

Is this a collar? What’s up with the crude, hand-made construction? Duck tape? Detonating cord? Oh no… Kyrah… What are you doing…

Late night micro-bikini update

Looks like I couldn’t post this micro-bikini update before midnight… oh well.

I’ve detailed the little fabric “patch” on the back of the panties a little bit. I’m also reshaping the “string” piece on both variants to get it deeper between the buttcheeks.

That’s a pretty big gap between the back of the panties and the buttcrack. I’m not sure that you should be able to carry a shot glass there…

I’ve messed up the UV map on the “strap” version so I’m also fixing that.

Creasing & detailing.

Onto creasing & detailing since I finally have an excuse to test Blender’s sculpting tools. I am fairly impressed by the result so far. The “undo” brush and the smear displacement brush are especially useful.

(I really need to store my tablet together with the last mini-USB cable I have left…)

I was sick yesterday so today’s update is a bit light, mainly the creasing but I’ve also normal mapped the “crotch strap” variant and the remaining bows.

I tried to add a fabric weave but it did not look very good so I ended up removing it. I can always set my renders to “fast” if I want some grain 😛

Bikini, hair & table update

Multiple project updates, namely the micro bikini, hair & table. I’ve been cleaning up the knotwork on the bikini and adding some relief to the ribbons, I don’t know if it will end up visible at all, but it feels like it adds a lot of definition.

The hair stuff is just… I dunno I really have a problem with this project and I keep comparing my poly work with other people,  it is extremely frustrating.

I’ve added cuffs to the bondage table thing and cleaned up here and there, I forgot where I’ve seen this design, there is definitely a “sci-fi movie” vibe going on.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025