More unwrapping.

This isn’t what I’d call much “progress” but I should have posted this yesterday. I got a little bit sick, so there is that too, I’ve re-packed all my UVs as tight as possible and condensed all/most of the metallic trims into a tiny corner, since they don’t actually need more than that as it turns out.

I still got some room to slap a KDC logo somewhere, I haven’t really decided where specifically.

Indicators will get their own textures so I can ensure that they are readable enough, but this should be good enough for the rest of the machine.

Unwrapping hell

Okay not exactly “hell” but this thing has so many parts it might just be.

I’m gonna see if I can get away with using some tricks for the parts that are basically just trim pieces.

Bottles done.

I got all the bottles done, this is almost a complete model (well, many models as it is) and once I finish the shaker arm, it will be complete.

As I suspected, this now about 7500 triangles, that’s high, but the bottles alone are half of that. Not much I can do about it and I hope this won’t end up with an obscene LI.

More Low Poly stuff.

A little bit of progress, the bottles and the shaker arm are still missing.

On the bottle side, I’m not 100% sure how to model them and have everything look just right, and also prevent Z-fighting.

I’ve either got a cold, or some allergy, but I’ll try to get more done tonight.

Lowpoly mixmaster progress!

  • Picture 1: Early normal map test from the front.
  • Picture 2: Same for the back.
  • Picture 3: I added a handful more details and you can see the polygons.

No there is no N-gons in this picture, but I’ve used a lot of internal overlaps to cut down on polygon count, especially on the curvy “cup plate” (which I really should just normal map but whatever).

I’ll have to test if those overlaps don’t cause any issues, but at this time, I don’t see any reason why they should.

Good progress!

Some good work today, bottles and all the little details. Also some half-assed textures.

Mixmaster drink… thing?

This project has been long overdue. I apologize in advance if roleplay and service oriented submission isn’t your thing, because the coming weeks will be very boring to you.

This is based on a photo-mockup I’ve put together last october. And yeah it’s kinda based on some coffee machine design, there is still a bunch of things to add.

Belated lock update

This is old, but aparently I have the memory of a goldfish.

Back when I wrote the time padlocks, I’ve also added the “click and hold” function to all the keyed padlocks… Aaaand then I forgot about it.

So now all new locks should use the new code 🙂

Update for the ponyplay bits.

I added a new “bento mouth” animation, this one doesn’t get stuck open with some of the bento heads out there.

Update for the classic leather blindfold!

  • CHANGED: The blinding effect isn’t as hard on the eyes anymore.
  • ADDED: cfg_ScreenEffect to manually set/disable the RLV blinding effects.
  • ADDED: cfg_ScreenPixelate to further limit visibility through pixelation.

The Manual has also been updated to reflect those changes.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025