Bake on mesh is live!

For those who do not know, bake-on-mesh is a hybrid solution to improve the flexibility of mesh bodies & garments through the original “system clothes” baking system.

It has some great potential for making mesh bodies much easier on the viewer by making “alpha cuts” and “clothing layers” obsolete.

This is a quick little video of little ol’ me experimenting with a composite skin on my M4 Venus head:

  • Base skin.
  • Lipstick (which can be tinted any color of the rainbow)
  • Facial scar.

All being separate layers that get composed as a single unique texture before being applied to my mesh head.

Linden Lab has finally released this feature officially in their viewer, alternatively, several third-party viewers already have it in their source tree if you can compile the code yourself (this is not a simple task!).

Otherwise, just sit tight! It shouldn’t take too long before it becomes available for your favourite viewer!

Little pipe project

I started making this a few days ago, it’s an excuse to do more Blender 2.8 practice, and maybe to make a decent pipe kit.

Industrial addon for the Revosuit X released!

Finally out! It took longer than I had anticipated, it was an excuse to dive into blender 2.80 as I mentioned earlier, it took quite a bit of work to get everything working again. Overall I think it’s pretty different from the other styles. I’m happy with it.

As usual you can grab it from the KDC Main Store or from the SecondLife Marketplace, enjoy!

The new suit is almost ready!

Currently the applier has 3 versions:

  • Classic: A pre-colored version with red accent, metal zip and some very subtle shadowing on the black part.
  • Black base: Tint-able version.
  • Black Seams: Tint-able version (inverted).

Should I make a version without the ridged sections?

Wasting time

I have been struggling a bit with Blender for the past two days. It’s now the 3rd time I’ve had to re-unwrap the ridged part of the suit. Either I’m not saving it properly or I’m doing some accidental undos somehow…

On the upside, I got my tools back in order and I can draw creases again.

Getting near completion

I know those vanity shots don’t really help to gauge progress, but it was such a nice place, I just had to.

Grr lighting problems!

I’ve been banging my head for several days now on a problem that became visible once I tested the ridged legs for the new catsuit skin in-world.

(Lighting greatly exaggerated for emphasis) It’s not the texture itself, it’s either something with the mesh, or something with SL.

The “right” version seem to mitigate the issue, but I still get very visible seams where the model ‘slices’ are.

I just can’t figure out what it is and nobody I know has a clue on what is going on. Worst case scenario: I’ll just go without ridges on the legs… or no ridges at all, but that would be such a waste. Alternatively I could “try” to hide those seams by adding some kind of accent on top of them I suppose…

But it’s going to eat me from the inside if I do that…

Ridges completed and Blender 2.80

I have to give the Blender developers a thumb up, the new realtime rendering modes look ridiculously good.

While I was banging my head on porting my materials from Blender Render to Cycles/Eevee, I came up with a really nice solution to combine tangent normal maps.

Some sort of… arm ridges?

I’m not sure about this, maybe as an “option”? I was also gonna try this look on the legs too, but I haven’t done it yet.

Slow progress on the suit.

So far so good… But it still feels like there is simply not enough going on in there 🙁

At least it looks allright…

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025