Archive for February, 2025

Working on a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat

I need a new collar for the Valentine dance so I’m making a Vergilius cuff set for VRChat!

I ended up modeling a simple padlock for it today because I don’t have any that isn’t built as a sculpted prim for the TouchBound system. I managed to cram them in the free space of the metal texture UV but they are pretty low-resolution all things considered. Since this version is for VRChat I’ve put it together into a custom skeletal rig that uses ModularAvatar for ease of installation and low object/material count (1 mesh for the entire set and 2 materials).

It’s a bit on the heavy side with 40Ktris for the entire set (collar + 4 sets of cuffs), but I’ll include a more “stripped down” version where the inner side of the straps has been removed, and a couple variants for convenience (collar only, wrists only, etc…)

Once this is sorted I’ll return to the “skin suit” project!

The last 3 hours have been absolute hell as I ended up locked out of the site! I assumed the worst and was ready to purge the entire subdomain… But it turned out that it was a misbehaving outdated plugin.

The feeling of the intense stress coming down was almost… orgasmic.

Classic Shock Collar update!

Classic Shock Collar - product shot
Since the classic shock collar update adds a major feature, I’ve actually put it on the “new product” stand at the store. I think it deserve to be there.

The big change is that there is now a flag you can set in the collar inventory (Off by default) that allows to connect the collar shock function to the Openshock or to the Pishock official servers to control real-life compatible shocking device.

You can configure how exactly the “duration” setting of the remote gets translated to shock intensity and shock duration on the shocker API side of things (for the time being, the controls will remain unchanged). I realise this will only be useful to a very small niche of users, which is why the feature is completely invisible unless you enable it.

This update is completely free to existing owners and you will receive it through the updater. As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store, or on the SecondLife Marketplace.


Shock collar update almost ready to release

I think I’m pretty much done with the shock collar update, if the function is enabled you will get a fairly informative addition to the frequency menu that allows to reload & clear the shocker configuration. It also contains a brief summary of the intensity/duration settings (and links to the two supported services obviously).

The manual is already included in the TouchBound clickable zone menus so I did not feel the need to also have it here. The configuration options will only be available to the collar wearer, that goes without saying, but if another user is configuring the collar frequency, they will see the current settings. All this will be locked out when the collar is locked, as before.

I’ve also added a mandatory cooldown that forces a pause equal to the duration of the last shock, just as a spam/safety. It only affects the RL hardware shocker function, the normal shock function remains unchanged.

Because when I created the shock collar I only added a configurable duration, I adding configurable boundaries for both shock intensity and length. This way you can set a fixed duration/intensity, regardless of the shock length, or you can configure it to adjust strength and/or shock duration according to the shock length supplied by the remote.

Lastly, I’ve been playing with a really rough idea for a “simple” new collar/cuff set. I believe that it has some potential… But I have other things I should focus on.

Productive Monday?

I’ve bulked up the collar and built a double side-closure which i think looks good enough (that was last week tho). I also worked on the gloves for the outfit, I’ve put the WIP pictures in black because in white you couldn’t see anything. It isn’t that much better really…

Today I did some reasonable progress on the “shocker service” code for the coming shock collar update. Mostly configuration card parsing and all the error handling it requires. Tedious stuff.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025