Archive for the ‘products’ Category

Raider harness gag update!

Small fix to the Raider Harness gag! Corrects a bug preventing the welding station from unlocking the gag if it was locked in the down position.

It only affects the core script so you can swap it out to avoid re-fitting the entire gag.

I’ve also updated the Warden Straitjacket demo and added the flat chest variant to it.

Setbacks on the bikini project

And here I thought I was being productive 😀 Turns out I’m having a few problems with the bikini project >_<

I was doing some test weight painting yesterday and after a couple of mismatched test uploads, it dawned on me that I made two huge rookie mistakes:

  • I decided to use a custom shape rather than the stock shape for my reference which causes alignment/proportion errors in-world.
  • My straps all go through a part of the leg that is designed to collapse on itself when the legs are spread, it is literally not possible for me to weight paint something to stay “above” the body in this location.

I thought about lattice-ing the mesh back in place but it wouldn’t solve the strap placement issue so I decided to try my best at re-creating it all. Not really from scratch, but close.

A few “before & after” pictures, I know it doesn’t look like much changed besides the lighting, but the straps ride quite a bit higher. I did manage to reuse the crease work that I did, I haven’t decided if I want to redo those yet.

This is going to take a little while…

I feel pretty stupid about it, it is such a waste of time and I should know better right?

Happy spooktober! the Detcord Collar is out!

When the Major showed us this little “trick” we were both amazed by its simplicity, repulsed by its deviousness, and deeply concerned about the Major’s past assignments before his transfer.

Surely there was no chance for those vampires to escape containment this time…

The past two weeks were such a massive crunch getting everything ready in time for my “official” Halloween deadline. I was gonna post a little update yesterday due to some unexpected feature-creep I wanted to show off, but I ended up finishing deep into the night and it just wasn’t worth doing since I was going to post today anyway.

Without further due, a quick little feature breakdown:

  • Cuff binding poses, suspension, locking, accessories, the usual for a TB compatible item.
  • A completely new “main lock”, using the provided roll of tape, you can “wrap” the main locking point shut.
  • You can add more tape, as much as you want in fact.
  • All you need to unlock is to use the tape cutter and cut off each layer, one by one (time-consuming?).
  • Posing, suspensions & ‘normal’ chaining are done using the chain link that hangs from the detcord.
  • You can chain from the end of the M81 igniter too, but it actually is a pull-trigger, don’t try to pull on that leash or…

The explosion effect has a few configuration flags so you can turn it off completely, or change the “death” duration/severity.

As with previous years, my past Halloween projects are also rising from the grave!

And as with previous years, the Halloween projects are only available from October 15th to November 15th (Patreon supporters can get them all for free all year long)

As usual, you can pick those from the KDC Main Store, or from the SecondLife Marketplace.

Happy Halloween everyone!

The KDC Narrow Cell is out!

KDC Narrow Cell product picture

It took longer than I would like (I always say this…) but here it is, the KDC Narrow Cell is out!

Function wise it has the same features as the full-size variant but comes with one additional theme inspired by one of my favorite Japanese artists and two window variants (as well as a windowless version) If you aren’t familiar with it already I’d recommend checking out the manual.

I’ve priced it a little lower than the full-size cell because well… it IS smaller and I expect people won’t find as much use for it, unless you are specifically looking for something not much bigger than an utility closet, or to save space. Despite being smaller it doesn’t really use less LI when placed, I’m sorry about that but there isn’t anything I can do about it without butchering the LODs.

As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main store (10% off and a live demo area) or on the SecondLife Marketplace.


KDC Prison cell update!

Prison cell update

I’m almost done with the narrow cell, so here is another prison cell update (for the full-size version) with some semi-important additions.

  • You can now configure one (or more) “master key” that can always remove the current lock on the cell door.
  • You can specify an exact range in meter for the RLV relay camera restriction option.
  • The automatic RLV camera range calculation uses the shortest cell dimension now rather than the largest.

Enjoy ^_^

Pet muzzles update

Hey everyone it’s me again with yet another update ~

This fixes the texture issues on the Classic Pet Muzzle and the Classic Wire Muzzle, it also corrects a few minor code issues and adds specular color calculation to the HUD to improve the aspect of the metallic parts.

Lattice cage update… again?

I woke up today and realized that I messed up yesterday’s lattice cage update. I was so eager to get this out of the door that I forgot to do a full check of the code I’m using on the cells.

Today’s update:

  • RLV relay communication should be 1:1 to specifications now.
  • Added a prisoner list on the lock infobox menu.
  • Added a “no-build” RLV relay restriction (optional).
  • Added an RLV teleport configuration warning.

I wish to apologize to those that already updated yesterday >_<.

Lattice cage update!

I just released a small update for the KDC Lattice Cage!

I wouldn’t call it major but I believe it brings a few important changes & improvements:

  • Secure lock: Like the KDC Prison Cell, now you can restrict the locks that will work on the cage. Useful for private/semi-private spaces.
  • Master key: You can now define one or more LockID that will always be able to unlock the cage, useful for public spaces.
  • Instruction manual links.
  • More discrete configuration reload notification using the fade text of the cage rather than llOwnerSay messages.
  • Fixed an oddly worded locking message.
  • The chains drawn from the built-in anchor points can now be drawn in either order.
  • The door now has a proper offset collision mesh and doesn’t need a hidden “door” object anymore.
  • I removed the owner/group/all use restriction as the secure lock/master key make this feature completely redundant.

As usual, this is available through the lattice cage’s updater box (you still have to teleport to the store, I know).

The Manual will be updated shortly.

KDC Prison Cell Hotfix

I’m still technically on break but some things can’t wait apparently.

I just pushed version 3 of the prison cell on the updater. It should greatly improves RLV relay compatibility.

If you don’t want to re-rez everything, just swap the “_KDC Cell Core” script, that’s the only change.

Have a good weekend everyone!

The KDC Raider Harness Gag is out!

Raider Harness Gag

The “Quadruped assault unit” engineering team contracted KDC Industries to design the “Raider Harness Gag”, a flexible and sturdy piece of equipment to limit the potential damage caused by some of their more aggressive genetically engineered raiding units.

Long story short, they had a really bad biting problem and we designed the hardware to tame those wild beasts. The amount of drooling this gag harness causes is still an issue…

And here we are! After more than two months of work, I can proudly release this new addition to the KDC product line!

  • RLV locking
  • Speech garbling.
  • 8 base texture colors & 8 stitching colors.
  • 16 gag ball styles, 1 to 5 breathing holes, smooth, 8-ball, and a bunch more!
  • Fully editable in-world (good editing experience required there).
  • Drooling effect.
  • Etc…

I’m still fleshing out the manual (distinct lack of pictures at the time of this post), but it should be complete enough for release.

I hope you’ll like all the little details as much as I enjoyed obsessively making them.

As usual, you can find it on the Second Life Marketplace or from the KDC Main Store in dead realm (10% off).

Enjoy ✌

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025