Archive for 2013

Happy holidays to everyone!

I wish you all happy holidays/festivities/whatever

Also I would like to point out that since one of my domain names expired 6 days ago (and I forgot to renew it) I am currently not receiving emails. I’m sorry if anyone tried to get some support request through, I will take care of them as soon as this situation is resolved.

New collar in the making!

I started working on a new leather restrains set, the first part being a nice posture collar, since I haven’t found any in SL that I really liked.

The chrome lined thigh bands are released!


“Finally!” Some might say. Not only do they have a slightly anatomic shape (they should fit MUCH better than a plain ring around the SL avatar legs, they also give a couple of interesting extra bondage animations and make a nice complement to the chastity belt.

As usual, you can get them directly from the KDC main shop or from the SecondLife Marketplace.


Another sneaky little update

I shouldn’t have updated the wrist cuffs yesterday there was still some things missing, so here is ANOTHER update to the wrist cuffs.

Update for the chastity belt & ankle cuffs

I just released a patch for the chastity belt and all the ankle cuffs, it fix an animation naming error and adds a new kneeling animation! It also has some preliminary work for the thigh bands.


Apologies and a little sitrep

I’m sorry for the lack of update for the past week(s), I spent a lot of time on a personal non SL related project and I got a bit obsessed with it. I will share more information on it when I have something good to show.

Also I’m back working on the thighs cuffs and should have them out soon.

Elbow cuff flood

I just wanted to apologize to those who might have received constant elbow cuffs updates, I made a typo when setting the “current” version number for them, and as a result, the system was considering current cuffs to be outdated.

Documentation updated!

I just finished adding the new poses to the TouchBound documentation page for the wrist cuffs and elbow cuffs.

The lined chrome elbow cuffs are out!

One of the missing links in the lined chrome series! It adds a couple of elbow related animations and wrist to elbow types too such as folded arms, wrist to opposite elbow in the back, etc…


As usual you can find them in the KDC Main shop and on the Secondlife Marketplace enjoy!

Wrist cuffs update

In preparation for the next release, (which is coming in the next few hours) i released a minor “support” patch for the TouchBound wrist cuffs:

  • Laminated series.
  • KDC/ER series.
  • Chrome series.

It ‘might’ also contain some bug fixes, not entirely sure where i was on this front. Enjoy 🙂

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

September 2024