Archive for July, 2010
Small update for the basic catsuit
Okay I spent the better part of the day refreshing stuffs about the basic latex catsuit, it’s now going SL wide from:
There is a reason for this change, now the basic catsuit is provided with every layers included.
That’s right, gloves shirt pants undershirt underpants, etc… even the new “tatoo” layer!
It is also now on xstreet/marketplace and it includes the transparent ones which initially where only available directly at the dead realm shop.
Of course, for those who already have these catsuits you don’t HAVE to re buy them to get the new layers (you can if you want, wupport is always apreciated) simply send me back your catsuit, and write me a nice little notecard.
Or simply catch me when i’m online and i will do the exchange immediately, or well.. nearly immediately.
I also redid the arts for the vendors and XStreet , I didn’t remember that the old ones where so unappealing…
This is muuch better.
How to block facebook, excepted on facebook.
This is a thing that really agravate me, the proliferation of “i like it” buttons and comment windows that ask me to log on facebook, or simply websites that use your facebook session to log you in.
So here is a cure, for those who use any ad blocker compatible with AdblockPlus rules (AdThwart on chrome) simply add the following custom rules:
||*.facebook.*^$|~ ||*$||| ||*$|||~fbc ||*$||| ||*$|||
Those rules will tell your navigator to block anything coming from facebook’s hosts, unless you are actually visiting facebook.
I am on the SecondLife Marketplace !
As usual, filling out those forms and stuffs is a pain in the ass, especially if you want to put proper translations for your products, I can only write properly in french and english, so i filled out German Japanese and Portuguese using google translation… So don’t blame me for the crappy translations 🙂
My opinion of the thing? I like the layout, I like the “related products” footer that’s really nice when you have objects that are part of a while serie or are compatible with eachothers, but i wish it was more convenient , like you could add objects to a “group” and all the members of this group are automatically cycled in the related products. As it stands right now you can only add 8 products (all are visible on the footer) and you have to do it for each and every products.
Right now I won’t add all my colored products because they have a “coming soon” feature that will handle multiple variations of a same item as one, and I do not want to make any extra work on this one.
I’m thinking about dropping the other marketplaces, excepted for freebies, because that’s basically the only thing i ever “Sell” on them. SOmehow peoples browse or Meta-life, but they never have money to spend.
On this point i guess LindenLabs kinda got what they wanted, with their ability to integrate their online shopping experience directly into SecondLife, they pretty much push any competitor out.
Linden Labs… has never anybody taught you that in an economic system, self imposed monopolies tend to be kind of BAD?
Oh well, when you are judge and party things tend to be a bit skewed in your own favor i suppose.