Archive for 2009
Chore system update
I did iron out the incinerator code, aswell as the trashcan and the exterior dumpster.
- Accept buckets of anything, store it as trash
- Produce Trashbags if emptied.
- Accept trashbags
- Accept buckets of anything
- Start up with matches
- Stop with bucket of water
- Stop if no more trash and/or ashes is full.
- Produce ash buckets.
Exterior Dumpster:
- Accept ash buckets
- No capacity limit.
I also tried to cleanup some of my code and to reduce potential client side lag (only make prim updates when the change to the prim is significant)
Windows 7
So far, so good, it seems like the much better and matured brother of vista. Haven’t had any MAJOR compatibility issues.
Temporary vendor failure
I forgot to renew my domain name , wich tossed all the vendors in offline mode.
No panic i’m NOT leaving sl just yet.