Archive for the ‘pet projects’ Category
Lattice cage rewrite progress.
I’ve done more work on the Lattice cage rewrite. I’m changing the “one notecard for all settings” to the method I’ve been using recently based on notecards names rather than their content. I’ve also ditched the original “time unlock” that the lattice cage originally had and merged the function with the new TB time padlock system.
If config.max-locktime is non-zero, the cage will “rewrite” all locks as time-release padlocks and override their delay if necessary.
If you have a moment, come visit the Dead Realm ground level! all snowed in for the season!
More texture tests
Aparently I haven’t noticed all those slight clipping points. I don’t think it truly matters since this is the high-poly model, but I’ll fix it anyway.
Those wider seams are a bit better looking and I figured out a nice little trick to make the bump map a little less jagged.
Hood locking, a solution!
I’ve flattened the chin to make it easier to fit, I’ve also settled for a simple metallic zipper at the back. And also found a good way to install the padlock.
This solves most of the problem I had with this design. Yay!
Something new on the way
I’ve played with a few ideas for a new hood over the past few days.
This looks um… okay I guess? I’m trying to get a fairly clean shape that will shade smoothly.
Almost ready
- Product pictures are done.
- Changed a few sounds for custom ones.
- The special vendor is finished and functional,
- Replaced the particle effects with better ones.
- Added a “visibility light” mode.
I think tomorrow or friday I’ll put together the FINAL versions of each alarm, after that It will be ready for release.
Too many Crime prevention alarms
“Carried away”
But I believe I’ve successfully scratched this itch. Each of the style has a custom alarm sound, blinking LEDs and is fully tintable and adjustable. I’m wondering if I should add a flashlight feature too…
Personal alarm progress
Allright, I know that the handle is not “accurate” but the wrist strap is almost invisible otherwise.
Now that this is out of the way…
Code wise it’s fairly simple, if you are close enough (or the wearer) clicking the alarm will yank the detachable part and throw it in the direction you are facing, and the alarm will flash and sound.
- Particles trail to show the object’s trajectory.
- Particle beacon when the object stops moving.
- Anyone can click the projectile to attempt to “re attach” it, but the owner has to be close enough.
- Once the projectile is picked up or derezzes it will automatically re-attach.
- “access restriction” flags that you can configure, owner only/group only (or public).
- Fully tintable (considering making it auto-broadcast to the projectile, not sure.)
- Broken up into many parts for easy adjustment (snap hook, chain, pin, …).
- “Pin version” where the pin+handle is thrown and the siren stays on the wearer.
- “Grenade version” where the siren is thrown and the pin stays on the wearer.
- Alpha mask based show/hide system, (this is an experiment).
I need to fix the siren sound because it has a very obvious “clip” point and check the writing in the different user messages.
I also kinda want to make more siren unit designs too 🙂
Fun little project
Cute little personal alarm, heavily work in progress!
Make room for the Omnious Dullahan Collar!
Halloween is upon us once again. So here is a new item and a little tale for you all 🙂
One of our customers, a well-known eccentric with a taste for the occult, personally requested for this collar to be made.
He specifically instructed that the top section had to be filled in with a vented heavy piece of steel and vaguely muttered something about: “preventing its head from re-growing, without restricting the flux.”.
To this day we still don’t know what the old man was going on about when he gave us this specific design. But for some reason he kept ordering new ones, until one day he simply vanished…
This is the newest member to the Heavy Metal serie and is only going to be available during Halloween! Like the pumpkin jack revosuit addon.
As usual, you can get them from the KDC Main Store, or the SecondLife Marketplace!
Don’t have the Revosuit X? Click here!
Trick or treat well 🙂
Low poly & test renders
Good good GOOD progress!
This is not a proper UV map (lightmap packing mode) it was just to check how it looked.