Archive for the ‘pet projects’ Category

Something new on the way.

I started working on a new cat-suit upon request of a certain… cat-person 🙂

Malefica hood, more variations.

Sorry for being silent, but this took longer than planned, due to repeated mistakes.

  • Original: the main design, with lip cleft & forehead notch.
  • Triangle: adds a triangular detail on the forehead notch.
  • Plain: No “face” contour, no lip cleft and forehead accent.
  • Pierrot: no lip cleft, permanently blind, with an optional mouth hole.

There are some more “minor” options, such as inverted colors and blinding eyepieces, for a total of 16 possibilities…

Good hood progress!

I managed to get things to a place I quite like now… I just happened to have forgotten the nose holes.

New project & Blindfold update

This week I started working on a new set of faceplates for the Avara hood, it’s not really there yet, but here is a little sneak peek.

In addition, the classic leather blindfold had a bug with the screen pixelation option, so I just released an update for it.

Recipe manual, and more code.

I quickly modeled a little “menu card” to serve as a holder/giver for the notecard that contains all the drinks you can make.

I’ve also:

  • Fixed a bunch of bugs.
  • Added some missing drinks (Engine degreaser, Sunshine Cloud).
  • Added proximity checking.
  • Updated all the drinks.
  • Added machine config options for the owner to restrict users, disallow drink dropping, and whether they want to use temp-on-rez or not.
  • Updated the taste for all the fixed recipes.
  • Custom drinks now have taste for ice & aging.
  • Successful drinks are timed (just as a personal challenge).
  • The machine doesn’t produce anything when the mixing handle isn’t held for the minimum time.

There is only a couple of things I still have to do (specular map for the machine, wiki, product pics…)

Otherwise It’s pretty much ready!

A very secret drink

But don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. :3

The two VA-11 HALL-A signature drinks: Piano Man & Piano Woman

A bit slower this time, I was sick yesterday and overslept today. The key was just annoying to LOD properly and I’m almost wondering if I should have made it in opaque glass, or even metallic?

Not making the heart translucent on the Piano Woman was a good idea.

Now onto the beer/frothy water and the “Flaming Moai”.

Weird drinks with cream on top

3 more models, 4 more to go.

I spent an absurd amount of time trying to get the foam just right on the hurricane glass, but the more details I added, the more it looked like construction foam…

I’m not that good with food stuff.

Bleeding Jane glass

Just some quick sunday work, so far it’s the only glass I made with opaque liquid, it made sense since bleeding jane == bloody mary. I used a “pulpy” normal map but it’s not too visible unfortunately.

I’ll try to get more done today but I overslept and it’s getting late already, figured I would post now instead of waiting 2am.

More glassware… again.

I had enough time to finish up the margarita glass and the classic cocktail glass.

In the picture: Grizzly Temple and Brandtini.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

January 2025