Archive for the ‘pet projects’ Category
Some unwrapping done.
I’m amazed by the number of people who voted, I didn’t expect that many… there is so much support for both options that I think I’ll end up making both.
Now onto the UVmaps, everything is straight and clean, But since the cuff diameter is a lot smaller, some of the UV islands are shorter. I would have re-used the collar textures if I could, but there is a bunch of things that aren’t “quite” the same shape, or at the same place, so I don’t think it would look right.
The ring, and locking shackle are on a separate texture and are identical to the collar’s, so I will just reuse them (that’s a good thing).
I haven’t figured out how to pack the cuffs into (if possible) smaller maps than the collar. I mean… It would make sense, right? Smaller object, smaller textures.
Low poly cuffwork
I wasn’t expecting this many of you all to give me their opinion, that’s crazy! And cool too…
But it also shows that there is a serious demand for both options, so I’ve worked on my low-poly mesh with that in mind.
Ideally, with/without hoop wrist cuffs would use the same texture for the inside and misc parts, and a different texture for the hoop & outer layer.
Some work on Meat Market Cuffs
Basically cuffs with the same proportions, style and fixtures.
I’m not sure if those should have the hoops that the collar has or not…
With the hoops it’s quite pleasant and busy, but it also means bulky, and basically no space for textures or any kind of marking.
Meat market cuffs: With or without side hoops?
- They look better with the side hoops. (63%, 40 Votes)
- They look better with plain sides. (38%, 24 Votes)
Total Voters: 64
(Not sure that the poll will work…)
A lil’ bit of code for the maid hats
Not much to “show” today, but I wrote a little companion script for the maid caps (I have issues releasing completely unscripted objects okay?). Just a few handy/fun maid related functions:
- A fancy holo-sign “ready to serve” kind of thing.
- A notecard giver (for your rules & services).
- The ability for other people (or yourself) to mess with your maid cap (throw & make it fall basically)
Nothing complicated and you can remove it if you just want the hats and nothing else
And another hat!
I’m almost done with all the styles I wanted to make, maybe one more?
More maid caps
I finished these two yesterday, the little trim is actually alpha masked and can be hidden if you don’t like it.
I distorted the surface on purpose to give it more of a “fabric” aspect.
Lock cutting workbench.
This is something I’ve been meaning to add to the store for a long time, there is now a lock-cutting workbench at the Main KDC Store. While I haven’t really seen anyone abuse the system, this is now available for those who want/need it.
It’s not for sale (but it’s free to use duh) and it’s an experiment, more than anything, it uses a feature that has been part of the system for many years now, but there was no real way to use it without my assistance until now.
I’m open to feedback on whether this is a good idea or not. In the meantime, consider it a relatively lame X-max gift 😛
Maid cap update
Finished a frilly “tiara” style and started a new one.
It should have a “point” in the middle, so more tweaking required.
A handful of maid hats
I was supposed to take a break over Christmas, but I ended up doing a handful of maid hats…
I might end up making a “hat pack” with these. Normal mapped frills work wonderfully on the “pillbox-style” ones, but I haven’t figured a good way to optimize the tiara-style yet.
Burning the midnight oil
The past couple days have been pretty rough.
- Final meshs lodded and uploaded.
- Reworked the heavy-duty padlocks a little (better lods, center point and smoothing)
- Made and uploaded the “worn out” texture set (8 colors: red, blue, black, yellow, green, pink, white, orange)
- Made and uploaded a “fresh” texture set (same color, still some slight wear but no rust)
- Made an “unpainted” style, it’s very similar to black but a bit more rough and worn out.
- Wrote all the specific code required to make it compatible with regular locks, accessories, time locks, heavy locks AND bolts (every lock type basically).
- It has some little “equip” animations like the Fallen princess and the same removable leaching point idea.
I still have a texture hud to make and some intense testing, just to make sure I don’t have any major bug.
I also have been working on a small gift for my Patreon supporters, but I’ll announce it publicly once it’s actually ready.