Archive for the ‘Code Stuffs’ Category
Progress on the Mixer code.
I got some of the basic functions I need for the “re-rezzing” of drinks (like for the vacuum system but a bit better), so they can be dropped and set on compatible surfaces (coaster… table?). I got “some” of the code to get them serialized into a tray, which, ideally would be drop-able too. So overall, good progress in 3 days.
But honestly, should I just take a break from this project and work on something “more KDC” for a while? If I’m counting this properly, between modeling, texturing and code this has been 5, maybe 6 weeks?
And this isn’t close to finished. Even if I do not release the tray at the same time, there is still all the drinks, models, and RLV functions to make.
Feel free to IM me in-world with your opinion.