Inching towards the finish line!
I had a very productive night on the stun prod!
I managed to wrap up all the animations that I needed to be done for the stun prod, the code to drive them, the holster system and the Doodle & Strikes integration.
There is now 3 striking heights, 4 idle stances (those two “over the shoulder” ones are just so precious) and one medium height “threaten” animation (when you aren’t aiming at anyone) that does a little wrist flick right as the electrodes begin sparking.
What is left to do: A HUD texture, A multi-crop HUD update for this one (at this point that’s like 3 tools that would use it, isn’t that a bit much?) and one very important texture set: the electrical bruise marks for the Doodle & Strikes system. Thankfully, a friend has given me… helpful references for this :3
Sidenote, would there be some interest for a Doodle & Strikes version that support [eL] Normal Tit Kit & [eL] Big Tit Kit?