Archive for April, 2007

New :) Baroness catsuit

Here is a nice new product, a full body cat suit with back to front discrete zipper and piping details, available in 27 color variations 🙂 , enjoy !


Features suggestions

Small update, i added a nice little form for those that might want to send me suggestions for KDC, anything goes really, from new items, to ideas, to improvements.

It is just on the right —->

Finally something to show!

Here is a nice screen of the result of … weeks really … of work on this uniform serie, i am still having problems on the gray and i am wondering maybe about a light gray version, for now i scheduled the following options:

-colors: lilac stripes, blue stripes, black, dark grey

-shoulder shape: pointed, mutton

-cuffs: closed, open with pleats

-collar style: normal, frilled, mandarin

-apron: short, long, short with pleats, long with pleats
-apron bib: round, square, 3 pannel, V shape, square with pleats, extra pleats on shoulder straps
-cap: plain headband, embroided headband , pillbox, mob cap

legend from left to right:
-lilac stripes, pointed shoulders, closed cuffs ,square bib and long plain apron.
-blue stripes, pointed shoulders, closed cuffs ,3 pannel bib and short plain apron.
-dark gray, pointed shoulders, closed cuffs ,square bib with pleats and long plain apron.
all displayed with pillbox cap (or whatever the name is)

Nothing to see…

I spent the whole day to revamp the light system i use for latex to adapt it for fabrics especially to change the intensity of shadows and lights. Nothing really concrete to show but it’s getting there.

Victorian maid, several apron bibs

We are getting there, here are a few bibs for the collection, any comments appreciated of course.

maid5.jpg maid41.jpg maid6.jpg maid7.jpg lilactest.jpg

And a test of a pinstriped lilac look, not there yet…

Victorian maid got starched cuffs

Call me anal, but i like when the dress nicely pleat under the cuff, so there we go:


In 3ds max, nicely detailed


In Secondlife, not as detailed, but i feel the essential is there, two prims and some texture et voila :p

Victorian maid got shoulder pads.

In my (slow) work on the victorian maid uniform serie for SecondLife, i have started working on one of the shoulder shapes (a very fashionable detail in victorian times). I am pretty satisfied of the result to be honest.

Below is the 2 hours shoulder construction in 3dsmax:


And here is the final shoulder padding in SL.


Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

April 2007