Archive for the ‘pet projects’ Category
Boring UV update
Not much going on in today’s update, I tend to be a bit obsessive when straightening and packing UVs. It took me a little while to come up with a layout I’m happy with:
- “Grey” metal parts and brass parts: 256×1024
- “Blue” metal parts: 128*1024 (I’m not sure how i’m gonna cram everything in there but I’ll try)
- “Misc” parts: back ring, pin, shackle, the size doesn’t really matter as long as it’s as small as possible.
“Grey” and “Blue”, will effectively be duplicated since they only represent “half” of the collar (that is why I’m being so aggressive with them). I’ve also lowered the resolution on the inside face of the collar, while it’s going to be visible (unless the wearer scales it down to choker size I guess), it’s not gonna be as visible as the rest.
In the end it should still be way below 1024×1024 in terms of texture area.
Completed low-poly model.
I think I have just about everything now. Hinge, back ring, shackle, pin, I’m also considering adding support for the bolt system too (last picture shows the shackle with a pair of short bolts).
This going to require some snowflake code I wager, so I’m not 100% sure that I will add that part.
I guess it’s time to unwrap all of this…
Some good-old-fashioned low-poly
It’s going well so far, I haven’t really compared it to my other collars but it’s hovering around 2700 triangles at the moment. Those extra beveled borders are (probably) responsible.
I don’t really like how those 8 sided rivets look, I might bump them up a little. Likewise, the bushing around the lock hole looks a little dense… do I even need to model it?
Both halves are identical at the moment, the only difference is that one side is upside down. I might keep it that way, surely there is no reason to duplicate that model.
Brass and a few tweaks
It still looks fresh out of Warhammer 40k, but at least the brass is looking somewhat presentable. Time for low-poly modeling I guess.
Experimenting with metal wear.
I’ve done a bit of that with the Fallen princess I believe, but nothing this elaborate before. It’s probably going to require further tweaking once I actually bake to the low-polygon model. But it’s pretty good I think.
I still have to figure out what I’m going to do with that brass-looking material.
Front shackle, back ring and hinge
I’ve added a pin & shackle system to the front of the collar as an adapter for normal-sized KDC padlocks. I also built a “reasonable” back hinge with a built-in leash ring.
I might go back to 4 rivets on each side, the two rivet setup is supposed to provide space for the hinge to operate, but it just looks sturdier with 4 rivets per side.
Realistically, that hinge should be completely welded into the main collar body rather than riveted on top, but I can’t ignore that it’s a nice accent element as it is right now.
(I also added a bushing to the locking hole for no damn reason)
Cell furnishing
The sink is unfinished, and also have a few design problems. I need to find some “ballpark” scaling for it.
I don’t know if that “combined” setup is realistic either (when it comes to pressure) but I like it, and it’s different from the typical prison ones.
More collar stuff.
Not much to say, I still haven’t decided on the hinge design.
Eevee makes metal surfaces look ridiculously fancy, it won’t look like that in the end, but it’s a nice visualisation still.
Scaling obsession
I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while now, It is based on an old photo of a resin statue and I thought that the “bulk” of that collar & cuff set what just perfect, not stupidly large, while still giving a feeling that it is designed purely for security over comfort: What you could expect from a fantasy-world slave trader.
That being said, I only have two angles to work from, it took me several attempts to get the proportions of the object itself right, and even more time to try to match it to a body (size wise).
You can see on the last mockup, (made with prims) I still shrunk it down just a little more. This is probably the biggest collar I’ve ever attempted to make and I’m not comfortable with it.
A lot of mockup ideas in the past few days…
Prison cell idea
I’ve been in a “3D sketching” mood lately, so why not?
This is very small (~2.8×2.8m), and not even “furnished”… I have some ideas for an even smaller one.
I like the “bottom” slit for the door, but I have to figure out a hatch design that works for it… maybe something that slides up and down with some kind of extension rod: guards shouldn’t have to bend over to open it.