Cell Block D-5… in Second Life?
Someone complained about Cell Block D-5 being a VRChat-only location, so I took it as a bit of an exercise to convert all the prison cell assets to PBR materials, this is the result.
It will be publicly accessible from the KDC Store elevator once I’m done with it. It is a bit of an experiment, and will be a stand-in, until I can get the “full” underground prison project to completion.
I’ve started working on a potential lock & key add-on: A key chain that can be linked to them, allowing public locks and keys to be picked up and dropped. I know 3rd party creators have already come up with creative solutions for key/lock access control, but I like this idea, and I believe it will add to the system as a whole.
Because of this I’m also reworking some parts of the lock & key system to be able to “reserve” a lock, or a key to a specific user for example.