The EIG-2-B Stunprod is out!
The “EIG-2-B Elektroimpulsgerat” is a revision of the original AION stunprod specifications intended to replace the original design deployed on S-23 “Sierpinski”.
Our goal was to move from a single use design, to a reliable, self-recharging system focused on officer protection and enforcing compliance.
It features a large protective guard around a rubberized handle adorned with electrified contact strips to discourage any attacker from attempting to wrestle the EIG-2-B out of your hands.
The classic Bakelite body is sandwiched around a heavy gauge steel sheet core to enhance the rigidity and striking capability of the unit.
All the markings are in compliance with AION safety guidelines.
As usual, you can find it at the KDC Main Store, or on the Second Life Marketplace. Enjoy ^^