Sorry for the silence, and a brief report.
As you all probably noticed, I took a little break from work for the past few weeks. I’d like to think that it did me some good.
I’m preparing a few updates for existing products, I don’t want to go too much into details, but a handful of items need code updates to either finally make use of new SL features, correct issues, and/or improve existing behaviors.
The lattice cage for example is due for a small update to optimize its construction a little with an improved door mesh, fix some RLV-related problems, but also add a couple of owner features to integrate them better in existing playspaces.
It hasn’t gone amazingly well so far, I appear to have some sleep/concentration issues that are making these modifications harder than they should be. I will eventually get over it, as I always do. But well this is my little explanation, ie: “I have not left SL guys.”
Completely unrelated topic, I’m told gachapons (gachas) in SecondLife are going the way of the dodos and that is great news as far as I am concerned. I assume Linden Lab was held at proverbial gunpoint for that to happen. It is unfortunate that this staple of Japanese culture has to be completely banned, but it was completely out of control.
It probably runs afoul of LL’s anti-gambling policy. Even if it isn’t necessarily for real money prizes.
Well, Linden Lab is probably reading the writing on the wall at this point. The days of “lootboxes” are numbered in many jurisdictions, so it is a good idea for them to be proactive about this.