Archive for November, 2009

Yummy bondage D-Ring


Dustpan script and Dirt texture sheet done.

The dirt can now be properly picked up, there is a little freeze while you do that, that’s normal, the trashcan now also accept the dustpan wich close the loop to the incinerator.

I played around in PS for a whole and manaed to get some pretty nice dirt piles, dirt scattered and dirt broom sweeps.


I’m also trying myself at a standalone boiler (without kitchen appliances)


And this is a … dustpan!

First draft of a metallic dustpan for the chore system.


That’s for collecting the dust piles obviously and will complete the sweeping cycle.

Probably the most advanced dirt sweeping script?

After 6 hours, i consider the “meat” of the script to be done:

Spawning device has an unique ID

It runs a timer to add more dirt on the floor , runs a limited sensor for counting the dirt and stop adding when maximum is reached.

Each dirt spawned get the unique id and use it to rename itself.

Each dirt patch use sensor to find the dirt generator, read the configuration values from the generator name

Set the generator position as it’s origin and move itself at a random place in the generator’s declared radius.

When swept, the dirt patch is actually moved on the floor, and will refuse a move that will put it out of range of the generator control sensor.

Dirt rotate itself according to the angle it was swept.

Dirt assume random variation in “thickness” to reduce Z fighting in complanar faces.

Dirt suicide if it lose track of it’s generator.

That’s a lot for a patch of dirt 😀


Coding when drunk.

Yesterday i’ve been looking back over my chore scripts, i worked on the script to control the dirt swept by the broom, it kinda stroke me that even tho this piece of code is actually quite good, it was missing some very obvious low lag features. Either i was planning to add it later (wich i have no memory of) or i was drunk -_- .

Kind of interesting that coding drunk and coding in your good day (when you can zone in) tend to be simmilar, as in you can produce a lot of very complex code, very fast, excepted that the sober days it just looks like it makes no sense…

Stepping stone

I’ve been reading a book about poser this morning and i’m trying to devise animations for my bathtub project, the main challenge being that it is a “pedestal” type of bathtub, and i want to animate it fully, wich also means a “walk-in” animation.

Added difficulty, making the avatar look like it is ACTUALLY walking the steps up, wich means i need to import in poser, somehow, the bathtub primwork, wich i did but i had to literally jump through hoops to get the bathtub to be “roughly” to the proper scale, because even if pose is in meters, the sl avatar in poser is like .. 1.45 meters, while ruth in sl tower at 1.85 meters.

I started placing a couple ‘key’ frames, a picture is worth a tousand words.


It’s .. “about right” in SL, i’m kinda hoping that making the animation fluid and natural will divert peoples from the fact their feets “might” sink/hover in/on the steps.

XStreetSL changes, is the Lab out of it’s mind?

Aparently there is an upcoming change on XstreetSL:

Monthly Listing Fee for Freebies of L$99

Umm… WHAT? Oh right they decided to blindly consider them as promotional tools… Yeah right, like if any freebie scripts i made for this community where shameless plugs for KDC… -_-

Minimum Commission of L$3 on all items priced L$1 or greater

Umm okay? i “can” roughly understand why they would do this…

Monthly Listing Fee of L$10 for all items L$1 or greater

WHAT? So now to be allowed to LIST a product it has to sell? What about all those stuffs peoples do that cater to a niche market? You know what Linden Labs? Screw you i can simply stop using the XStreetSL service, i’m paying you already enough for a sim that only do the bare minimum it’s supposed to do, i sure as hell am not going to let myself milked more by you pieces of shit.

Thank You to All of Our Xstreet SL Marketplace Users:
We’d like to thank all of our shoppers and merchants who have made the Xstreet SL Marketplace the success it is today.  The Marketplace continues to grow at a time when the real world economy continues to struggle.  We’d also like to thank all of the residents who helped us develop this plan.  Our plan of action was designed with your input on both what the issues are and great ideas of how to solve them.  We would not have such a well developed and thought out plan without you, so sincerely, thank you.

This is the final straw, are you guys shitting me? You really think i’m going to believe you asked ANYBODY in the community what they thought of it? How about standing by your decisions and admiting Linden Labs is looking for ways to get MORE of the transactions happening in SL into THEIR pockets?

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

November 2009