Archive for the ‘Random thoughts’ Category

7th rez day wooo!

That’s it i’m officially 7 years old in SL!

Status update

I always found strange/funny/sad that, while I, and a lot of small/independent developers can correct a small bug or carry out a small feature request, and deploy it in only one hour or less. On the other hand i find sad examples like these:

Actalogic / UIG Entertainment

(developers/publishers of Agrar Simulator/Agricultural Simulator 2011)

They seems to be unable to provide even a single patch since the game release ( 3-4 months ago ) despite a lot of empty promises from the forum staff the game is in the same state since it’s release with a multiplayer that barely qualify as an alpha and many bugs left and right that result in lost implements or corrupted saves.

I know that patches hae to go through QA in a company before being released but… seriously, on steam the game is advertised as being multiplayer!

Timegate Studio

(developers of Section 8 and now Section 8: prejudice)

While i can only applause them for taking upon themselves to release a sequel to their own game without the support of a publisher, I can’t help but wonder why they still haven’t patched elementary problems ( 1 month since release ) like the FOV stuck at 75 (this is a real problem in a game where a few weapons like the knife and the shotgun require engaging other players at point-blank range.

Also, what kind of sick  joke are they trying to pull by making dedicated server (ranked or not) only available through a single game server provider (have they never heard of players who host their own servers?) I don’t really know if they are actually trying to drive their game into the ground on purpose, but I know that the Peoples who could be running their own servers on their own hardware don’t like being double dipped “just because”.

It makes you wonder what is the point of becoming an independent game company if you’re going to behave even worse than under the heels of a producer…


Now do not misunderstand me, those games, in my opinion are good. The companies making them however are… well they are terrible.

Little status update

I haven’t done much the past 10 days, between being away from home and having to deal with minor Real Life issues.

I’m planning to work more on the chore system, but i also would like to move TouchBound forward, and because of this I’m open for advice. To all those who use/used and like the system.

As a little recap, here is all i have made so far for the TouchBound system:

What kind of product should i release using the TouchBound system?

  • New cuff types ? (I’ve really been tempted on this simply because I love pretty cuffs)
  • New kind of objects to add more interactions?
  • Anything else?
I am really open to suggestions so go wild, even completely crazy.

Some peoples don’t seems to ‘get’ sculpted prims.

I’m a prim sculptor myself, but sometimes I buy things because it’s faster for me to get something partially ready for my use and then tweak it to my needs rather than starting from scratch, especially when I’m only decorating my home in SL and not going to make a cent from it.

Anyway… I was browsing for a nice dining room set, there are a couple on the marketplace that appears to be quite nice, yet when I look at the primcount I almost wonder why those people even bother making sculpts.

Bottom line:

If you are making a sculpted chair and it still comes up as 19 prims, you are doing something really wrong and probably shouldn’t use sculpted prims in the first place.

One of the main advantages of using sculpted prims is to get similar/more details for a lower prim cost, and that’s what , as a customer, I am looking for.

Slow updates

I’have been sharpening my skills on Unity3D and java, I also have been working on a top secret 3D project with a friend, so i can’t say much about this one.

In the meantime, another little game start that you guys can toy with 30 seconds and then forget about:

(If you know what the initials stand for you might just have an idea about what i’m planning to do)

Features: (so far)

  • Isometric view.
  • Animated character (erm, well… legs)
  • Mouse aiming.
  • Arrow keys controls.
  • Day/Night cycle (wooo eye candies)

Oh yeah, be careful, you can fall from the (tiny) level.

Vanity is delicious

After kicking, screaming and clawing all the way to it, i finally revamped my avatar body and got a new skin, here is the result of the new Kyrah Abattoir “Revision 2010”

The day against DRMs

Pick the language you understand 🙂

Today is the “Day Against DRM” or for the novices, Digital Management rights, which are nothing more and nothing less than the “solution” the big media industries found to dictate what you can or can’t do with content you bought from them, for this occasion I invite you dear readers to spread the word against this evil of the internet age.

Whether companies will control and restrict us through our technology remains to be decided, and the battle is now.

Aujourd’hui c’est la “JournĂ©e contre les DRM” , ou gestion des droits Ă©lectroniques en français, la solution que les poids lourds de l’industrie audiovisuelle ont trouvĂ© pour nous dicter ce que nous pouvons faire ou ne pas faire avec le contenu que nous leur achetons, j’invite tous ceux qui me lisent Ă  faire passer l’information contre ce cancer qui empoisonne l’industrie.

C’est maintenant qu’il faut nous battre si nous ne voulons pas que les compagnies nous contrĂ´lent Ă  travers nos propres technologies.

Soo, where to go from now

Creating the TouchBound system was honestly, quite a pain in the ass, but i’m happy that i did it, making new objects will be much more convenient from now on.

Now the question i’m asking to myself, and to you who care to read this blog is:

Where to go now?

Of course i need to make more stuffs in the chrome lined style, the first two that came to my mind are upper arm cuffs and thighs bands.

The second one that comes to my mind would be a PROPER chastity belt, i haven’t made any in a long time and the chrome lined serie is a good opportunity to make a belt that actually look like a real life belt (sculpted prims of course) and to make it flat enough so it can be worn under the sl system skirts too.

Also when it comes to accessories that are not directly bondage toys, well from my understanding peoples still like to color their stuffs. And altho the chrome lined serie is modifiable i’ve been thinking about an accessory that could be immersive and (somewhat) fun to use: the anodizing tank.

The base concept is that it could permanently tint the metal stuffs using the age old electrolysis system that most peoples in the car tuning scene know (it’s basically a bath of a special solution the object is immersed into and a current runs through electrodes which bind the metallic pigment chemically on the surface of the object).

So , yeah of course it is “not” needed and is another accessory peoples would be encouraged to buy but i think it could offer some new interesting things, like a dungeon could have it’s own attached “public” customization workshop…. I don’t know if peoples would really like that…

The valentine padlocks had good results and seems to sell more than the round ones, they also tend to sell more than the fingerprint padlocks (which are easier to use but considering you get one with each items, it isn’t like there is the novelty effect).

I’ve had a chat with a few peoples who would be interested into time reliant padlocks. I initially had a fuzzy idea of making time enabled “key boxes” but maybe making directly padlocks that you can dial time in might be simpler.

So hey, enough about me babbling , tell me what YOU want!

Taking control of a boat in a storm

Okay to peoples not interested into reading a few reflections about myself, you can skip this post right now.

I recovered my old forum  from 2006 and realised how … nice i used to be. It seems the past years got the better of me and i kinda drifted into being … plainly said, an unpleasant person. Maybe it’s the stress, the caffein, the loneliness… maybe it’s not anything but my own damn fault. It seems I’ve been feeding my dark side for a good while.

Recently it did bite me back in an unexpected way, i don’t think what i did was wrong, but i think i didn’t explain myself properly and what was my position in the debate … things kinda got out of hands and I took some collateral damages.

And the more you struggle, usually the deeper you go once peoples made their mind about you.

Anyway, since it’s nearly Christmas, and soon time for new year vows, I wish to become more tempered, I am not going to fool myself in thinking I can become a good person, wear a wimple be called Sister Nicey and say “god bless you” to peoples (atho i’m sure nun role-play can be very… exciting ^o^ ), I am who I am but I could probably put my talent to better use than attracting hate.

Soooo, lets see what next year will be made of ^_^ i hope it’s made of latex.

Coding when drunk.

Yesterday i’ve been looking back over my chore scripts, i worked on the script to control the dirt swept by the broom, it kinda stroke me that even tho this piece of code is actually quite good, it was missing some very obvious low lag features. Either i was planning to add it later (wich i have no memory of) or i was drunk -_- .

Kind of interesting that coding drunk and coding in your good day (when you can zone in) tend to be simmilar, as in you can produce a lot of very complex code, very fast, excepted that the sober days it just looks like it makes no sense…

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

February 2025