Archive for the ‘3D Stuffs’ Category
More welding.
Monday, I finished the welding of the different parts, I didn’t have much time to work so I haven’t done much else.
I have no idea how I am going to proceed with the next step, making a material dynamic enough to take in account all those surface details. Back on 3D Studio Max I used a neat little plugin called “richdirt” which produced really nice masks for that.
Practice welding
The last time I’ve actually done any welding was back in the 3DsMax days, completely different method here but the results aren’t too bad.
Stumbling around designs.
Sorry for the picture dump.
I ended up ditching the mouth gate because I don’t think it will look right with cage bars going all around.
I’ve also offset the hinge so it makes more sense mechanically and added a ring to it. I’ve re-imported the lock and padlock shroud and they fit just right (with a few minor adjustments).
I’ve also toyed with various designs for the ring on top of the cage since it is ment to work for suspensions. A popular vote decided that the last one was the one that made the most sense.
Headcage project!
I started this today, I spent a lot of time on the collar section to get it close to how I’ve made my metal collar so that the heavy-duty padlocks will fit the same way. There is a bit of a clearance issue if I want to keep the cage bars dead center on the collar piece.
I kinda want this little mouth gate but I’m not entirely sure how functional it is actually going to be, unless I cover the entire cage with a light bar mesh. I mean the wearer could just shift the cage around to an unobstructed set of bars, unless I make it so tight that your nose prevents you from doing that. But then that’s gonna cause issue with hairs…
Nothing is set in stone yet…
School project
Yeah this is one of “those” pet projects that no one cares about 🙂
I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a slight rework of the dead realm ground level to build a little japanese themed village. I’m trying to avoid being horribly clichĂ© but still… I started with the school… obviously.
Belt suspensions woo.
I’m gonna run a few final tests before I begin rolling this update out. In the meantime, here are some pictures.
Belt stuff
I spent like… half the day rendering textures at this point. I don’t have much to show but I still have this!
Early texture drafts on the new belt!
Today was a good day, a very productive day.
I finished the UVmap and started rendering a draft texture set to get everything setup properly.
While doing that I stumbled into a problem I’ve had at least half a dozen times before, but I always forget about it, something related to how I overlay materials on top of each other.
LPM belt more or less complete.
I’ve also briefly started the UVmapping and the belt shows some good potential for left/right texture recycling. I’ll keep the front/back part as their own unique parts but the side straps & padding can probably be mirrored (highlighted in red).
Flattening the UV to maximize texture usage is going to be the next tedious step. The rings and metal hardware already have their own texture maps so I don’t really need to worry about those.
Low polygon belt update.
I don’t have much to say, some progress was made, I’m trying to stick to the “style” of the original too.
I left the annoying areas for last.