Small Cell block D-5 update
I’ve added one of my live (web) terminals near the little table of the Cell block D-5. It does two functions at the moment:
- Visitors are listed next to their permanent serial number (if you want to role-play with those)
- It indicates uniform compliance (NONE/PARTIAL/FULL), this only works with the KDC Prisoner Uniform “regulation” version (from the box of extras).
- If the regulation uniform is detected it will automatically be configured: Serial numbers & a blue color scheme.
- The uniform color will have a random amount of wear & discoloration. For… realism? It was fun to add.
This uses the facility script system that is included in the Prisoner’s Uniform package, so this is really just an example of the kind of things you can do with it.
Someone suggested that there should also be a uniquely shaped hex key on the table, one that wouldn’t be available anywhere else. But is that a good idea?
I’m all in favour of custom hex keys!