Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
The KDC key harvester is repaired.
I fixed the code of my fairly agressive key harvesting system, it should refresh the kdc name2key database fairly fast.
i also fixed a stupid bug that made the program process only half the keys.
Silly me…
My tutorial on sculpted prims
I added to the articles on the right my own tutorial on making sculpted prims in 3dsmax, it isn’t beginner but it shouldn’t be too hard to grasp.
Dull sunday
I’m back, spent a few hours adding some of my clothes to xstreetSL (former slexchange) had to redo most of the pictures which looked pretty bad.
I’m pretty happy with the result.
Sure it’s old stuffs but they still look good.
I need to do the last sprint to finish the leather outfit, find a catchy name and a price…
New in progress stuffs
To go with my chores project i wrote a multi purpose attachment tool, well this little thing is great but it has some data retension limits thus the attachments it use are limited to a single sculpt.
So as an exercise i started making various objects for the chores system. Here is the results of the past 3 days:
buckets: empty, water, soapy water, dirty soapy water, ashes, coal
i insist, each of these objects weight 1 prim :p
Fun Fun Fun.
After reviewing the prim use of my sims i got a little… worried basically two sims that run at less than 1/4 of their capacity it’s a bit like opening the windows of a submarine…
I spent a good deal of time today moving everything from Cypress hill to Dead realm, i also moved the spaceship near the shop, the slightly modded sky (it now should work day and night) and the glow gices it a quite dramatic effect, moving my in progress house from cypress hill was faster than i expected,and took less than 2 hours.
To top this i also found a buyer for cypress hill so i should be able to get rid of it tomorrow or at worst , end of the week.
je n’aime pas olivier martinez
je n’aime pas olivier martinez
Je n’ai jamais entendu parler de cet acteur ou je ne sais quoi jusqu’a ce que ce petit monsieur décide de s’attaquer au site suite a une information “diffamatoire” a son sujet apparu en première page ( était, fut, a été, un site qui a la manière de DIGG est composé a 90% par les visiteurs et donc pas par l’administrateur du site).
Quand on sait que fuzz ne rapporte rien ou pas grand chose à son créateur laisser moi vous dire que ça met les boules.
Dans la balance nous avons:
* d’un coté fuzz pour un montant total de pas grand chose (disons 0)
* et de l’autre Mr Olivier Martinez et son avocat qui réclame une somme astronomique (disons 350000)