Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Back from USA
I just came back from a 2 week trip in the United States which started in New York city and then continued in Houston, I have seen many interesting things there and met with some of the greatest people I met in SL, lets just say we had a great time together.
Sadly, I couldn’t finish the pet mittens before leaving, it took longer than I expected. Even if there isn’t much left to do ,it’s still a lot of code to test and ship. I’m still jet lagged, the return trip took more than 18 hours between trains, metro and planes. I still need to deal with a few RL things. Once this is settled, I will get back into gear and make some more cool things.
See 🙂 not dead!
Doing things
Today i did some more work on my latex tool set, the plan is to have a latex texture pack for the Institutional Straitjacket before the end of the week. I solved the main problem i had with the latex materials, mainly that i had to use a different reflection environment for the black latex because the details where not coming out properly.
I also added some color changing automation, so now I can make a complete set of colors in a single operation. This way I can do the final rendering at night and use the remaining time to… get more work done.
I also tweaked a bit some of the colors that where saturating a little too much, it shouldn’t different enough to cause color mismatch in outfits.
New theme
That’s right I’m actually trying to put together something original after all this time using the stock WordPress theme.
Feel free to share your opinion, but don’t be too harsh, I’m absolutely pathetic at html/css .
First 35 minutes in Portal Two, in HD 1080p
Do not watch if you don’t want to be spoiled about the beginning of the game! Otherwise, enjoy 🙂
up to 1080p !!!
I’ve been hired! Kinda…
Well i’ve been hired to work on a php/mysql site, it looks like a well paid job so i might be even more “distant” than usual for the next few weeks.
Preparing my return on Xstreet … or is it the marketplace?
Soo, basically the experience i had with the other merchand sites wasn’t really a success, updating 4 sites at the same time is really daunting , and it appears the only things I sell there are the few freebies I offer.
So i’m getting ready for the painful task of getting back all my stuffs on xstreet, and considering it’s becoming the de facto place for shopping in sl (not quite yet beating inworld sales but well…) i’m going to make a real effort this time.
Well aparently it’s a good thing that i’m kind of a slow person, LL decided they would scrape Xstreet for a new system.
Game design articles
I finished copying the brainstorming articles i’ve bee writing for the torquepowered community, they now are with my other articles, i also ordered everything neatly in categories.
They are pretty dense text packages so you better enjoy reading my broken english ^_^
FLATTR, well let’s try out that thing
I’m doing a shameless little advertisement for this interesting system to, as they say it “Show your love for the things you like” . I’ve been accepted in the beta (yay!) and will see how things unfold.
Considering an image is worth a tousand words and because it will probably be easier for peoples to understand it if it isn’t explained by me in my broken english, here is a little introduction video:
You can apply for entering the beta here:
And once you realize how awesome it is…
You can click the little Flattr button right here to show me your love ^_^
I took a break
In the case anybody wonder wy i was so silent, it has been a week now that i haven’t touched SecondLife, i really needed it. Call it some kind of vacation break if you want.
Anyway, i need to get back to work now…